In Manitoba, there are three ways to educate your children.
1. Public schools
2. Private schools
3. Home schooling

Most children in Manitoba go to public schools, which are free. The courses in public schools must meet the Provincial Government’s standards. In public schools, boys and girls take classes together. They do
not wear uniforms. Teachers working in public schools normally have a university degree are licensed by the Manitoba government.

Some people send their children to private schools. Private schools, also called independent schools, are run separately from public schools. Some private schools are connected to a specific religious or cultural group. These private schools teach the same subjects as public schools and hire teachers who are licensed.

Private schools usually charge tuition, which can be expensive. In some private schools, boys and girls take separate classes. They may also be required to wear school uniforms.

You can also educate your children at home instead of using a public or private school. Home Schooling is only allowed when certain requirements are met.


When choosing a school, think about where you live and what you want your children to learn. You can begin by visiting a school near your home. Talk to other immigrant parents with children about the schools they chose and why.

How Do You Enroll Your Children?
You must visit the school to register your children for school. The principal will talk to you about your children’s school level. If you have trouble communicating, take someone who can interpret for you. You must be the child’s legal guardian to register them in school. You should also take your children’s documents, such as:

• Birth certificate • Passport • Medical Records • School Records • Landing Papers

When you meet the school staff, you may want to ask about things like:
• Homework
• Communication with the teachers
• Class attendance and being in time
• Rules about discrimination
• After-school activities
• Dress code
• Report cards and other forms the school may give your children to take home

Types Of Schools