271 Portage Avenue, Wpg.R3B 2A8
Intake: 204-944-8833
Fax 204-944-8787
Centralized intake service for new immigrants in Winnipeg. It is the first stop after newcomers arrive to MB, and the starting point for receiving info and referrals to employment and settlement services.
• Employment Services – Offers employment preparation workshops; one-on-one career coaching; and a job matching unit
• Clients must first go to Manitoba START to get a referral to the ENTRY Program
• Orientation and language for newcomers.
• Newcomers learn about employment services, getting settled in Winnipeg, health services and the law.
• Regular program is 4 weeks, but they also offer a 1 week express for those proficient in English
• Classes offered mornings, afternoons and eveninqs
Manitoba Start