The school year in Manitoba begins in early September and ends in late June. There are holiday breaks such as Christmas in late December and Spring Break in late March. School days usually start
round 9 a.m. and end at about 3:30 p.m

Information by: Perla Javate | Winnipeg School Division

Your children will get free textbooks at school. They have to give these textbooks back after finishing their courses. If the textbooks are lost or damaged, you must pay for them. You also have to pay for
your children’s school supplies, such as pencils, paper and notebooks.

In many divisions, if you live more than one mile (1.6 kilometers) away from your children’s school, a school bus will drive them to and from school. There may be a fee for your children to take the school bus. If your children have special needs, you can arrange for transportation through your school.


Most children take their lunches to school. Some schools have a cafeteria where children can buy their lunches. During the lunch break, some students go home for lunch. If they are under 12 years old, they
can only go home for lunch if an adult is at home.

Health courses at some schools teach about reproduction, birth control and sexually transmitted diseases. These courses are given to students in Grade 4 to Grade 9. If you have a problem with your children learning these subjects, speak with the teacher or principal. Parents Helping with Their Children’s Education. If you take part in your children‘s education, you will help them succeed in
school. Some examples are reading to our children, helping them with homework or volunteering at their school.

The school year in Manitoba begins in early September and ends in late June. There are holiday breaks such as Christmas in late December and Spring Break in late March. School days usually start around 9 a.m. and end at about 3:30p.m. Manitoba schools want to hear from parents. Teachers are happy to talk to you about your children’s progress. You can also talk to your children’s teachers about any concerns you have about their education.


Homework is extra schoolwork teachers give students to do at home, after the school day is finished. Homework helps children practice what they have learned in class. You can help your children with their homework. Helping your children does not mean that you must have all the answers.

You can help by:
• Asking your children about their assignments
• Talking to your children about their homework
• Setting up regular homework time each day
• Finding a quiet place with good lighting for them to do homework
• Helping your children to organize their time
• Limiting the time they spend watching television or playing computer games
• Encouraging reading regularly
• Praising your children when they work hard

If your children need more help with homework, they can always ask their teachers or other children in their class.


Each school can take up to 10 in-service days during the school year. In-service days are days when teacher have meetings. On these days, children do not go to school. Working parents need to find a place for their children to stay on those days, or find someone who can look after them. Sometimes schools close early in the afternoons so that teachers can have meetings.

You should receive letters and a calendar that tell you when in-service days and early dismissal days will be.

When winter temperatures reach -35C to -45C or during a major snowstorm, schools may be closed. School buses may also be cancelled. When there is bad weather and you think that schools may be closed, listen
to the radio or check the school division website for more information.

Your child will take notes home from school. Read them carefully and keep them. These notes tell you what is going on in your children’s school. If you don’t understand what the notes say, ask the teachers to explain them to you.

Your children’s teachers usually meet with you twice a year. These meetings, or interviews, usually last 10 to 30 minutes.Parent-teacher interviews are conversations between parents and teachers. It is
a good time to talk about how to help your children succeed in school.

You can ask questions about how your children are doing in school. Some questions may be:
• What subjects are hard for them?
• How is their English?
• Do they get along with other students?

You should call the school:
• Your child is sick
• Your telephone number or home address changes
• You have a question or concern If you are nervous about speaking inEnglish, try to write down what you want to say before you call. You can also ask an English-speaking friend to call for you.

Each school division has rules about disciplining children. You can contact your local school to find out the rules that may affect your children. Hitting children as punishment is never allowed in Canadian
schools. If your children are ordered to leave the school (called a “suspension” or “expulsion”), they should take home a letter from the school telling you why this happened. This letter should explain how
long the punishment will be and how your children can continue learning outside of school. Someone from school will call the parents to explain the incident. If you need more information, call the

In Canada, many children (including girls) participate in activities after school or in the evening. This is very common and acceptable.

School Year